Hearing Loss Support, Resources, Education & Advocacy.

Hear. Hope. Thrive.

Hear 4 Hope envisions a world where the journey through hearing loss is met with understanding, compassion, and boundless hope. Established with a profound commitment rooted in four foundational pillars, symbolized by the integral “4” in our name: Support, Resources, Education, & Advocacy.  

Hear 4 Hope recognizes the transformative power of HOPE, a force that becomes especially vital during challenging times, particularly when confronting the difficulties of hearing loss. Hope is more than just a word; it’s a catalyst for resilience and growth. And Hear 4 Hope is committed to creating an environment where hope not only survives but thrives, in Hawaii and beyond!

Support Hear 4 Hope this September by participating in Foodland’s Give Aloha Matching Gifts Program.

Hear 4 Hope is excited to be a participant in Foodland’s Annual Community Matching Gifts Program! This September, visit any Foodland store to contribute to our cause. Your contributions will be matched, doubling the impact of your generosity.

Here are four easy steps to help make a difference!

Step #1:
Visit any Foodland, Sack N Save, or Foodland Farms store statewide

Step #2
Make a monetary donation to HEAR 4 HOPE with a cashier

Step #3
Present your Makai Membership

Step #4
Provide the organization’s 5 digit code #79148

Organizations will receive 100% of customer donations, plus a portion of Foodland and Western Union Foundation’s matching gift

"Though the world may seem quieter, our voices can still resonate with purpose and resilience, echoing the strength found in the silence."

— Anonymous

Our Foundational Pillars

  • Hearing Loss Support, groups, technology, counseling

    Support Services

    A robust support network addressing the emotional, practical, and informational needs of individuals facing hearing loss.

  • Hearing Loss info on hearing aids, cochlear, assistive devices, prevention

    Resource Accessibility

    A centralized clearinghouse of accessible resources to empower individuals to navigate the challenges of hearing loss.

  • Hearing Loss Education, Awareness, Community Support

    Community Education

    Raising awareness, dispelling myths, and educating the public through building a more informed and supportive community.

  • Advocacy Programs

    Promoting a stigma-free environment and advocating for inclusive practices by fostering education and awareness.