Founder’s Story

Several years ago, the gradual erosion of my hearing reached a critical point, and within a few weeks, life as I knew it underwent a profound transformation. The once familiar sounds became distant echoes, and I found myself navigating an unfamiliar world of silence; a stark departure from the world I once knew.

In the midst of this uncertainty, medical professionals gently prepared me for this “new normal,” advising me to adapt. Their desire to help was evident, yet their eyes reflected not only the limits of medical solutions but also a genuine remorse for their inability to offer guidance on the emotional journey that accompanied this profound change.

Feeling isolated and adrift in this silence, I struggled to find my footing. It was in these moments of vulnerability that the concept for Hear 4 Hope began to take shape. Determined to find resources and support to help myself and others navigate this challenge, I embarked on a mission fueled by my own experiences.

Hear 4 Hope is my answer to the silence - not just the absence of sound, but the quiet brought on by societal stigma. Through support, resources, education, and advocacy, we strive to change the narrative, creating an inclusive world where every voice, no matter how faint, is heard, valued, and appreciated.

Tori Carapelho
CEO, Founder